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Csound Drums

Hans Mikelson

drums.orc drums.sco

Synthesizing drums

Csound is very good at synthesizing drum sounds. It is possible to create everything from realistic drum emulations through classic electronic percussion sounds to really wacked out drum kits from Venus. One reason Csound is so good at generating drum sounds may be due to its flexible structure. Percussion instruments often contain elements and structures which may be difficult to synthesize on conventional synthesizers. Drum machines of the past often used custom circuitry to generate their unique sounds. Samples can be used for realistic percussion sounds but they are static and are not as expressive as a synthesized sound can be. In this article I describe a few simple percussion sounds I have created over the past few weeks.

Formant pop

The simplest instrument in this group I call a fomant pop. It consists of a short pulse of noise followed by two band pass filters. The ouput from the filters is mixed before output.

The Csound code for this instrument follows:

adclck linseg    0, .002, 1, idur-.004, 1, .002, 0 ; Declick envelope
kamp   linseg    0, .001, 1, .002, 0, idur-.003, 0

arnd   rand      kamp*6/iwdth                      ; Genrate impulse
asig   butterbp  arnd, ifqc, ifqc*iwdth            ; Band pass filter
asig1  butterbp  arnd, if1,  if1*iwdth             ; Band pass filter

aout   =         (asig+asig1*ia1)*iamp*adclck      ; Apply amp envelope and declick

       outs      aout*ipanl, aout*ipanr            ; Output the sound

This instrument produces a sound somewhat like a marimba or a wooden drum. The pitch controls the frequency of the first filter. The frequency of the second filter is taken as the root pitch multiplied by the formant frequency, FrmFqc. The amplitude of the second filter is controled by FrmAmp. Band width applies to both filters and is divided by 10 before use.

;    Sta     Dur  Amp    Pitch  Pan  FrmFqc  FrmAmp  BW
i10  0.000   .15  25000  7.00   .5   4       .6      .18
i10  0.250   .15  18000  7.04   .9   3.5     .8      .18
i10  0.500   .15  25000  7.00   .7   4       .6      .16
i10  0.750   .15  25000  7.00   .3   4       .6      .17

Techno Bass Kick Drum

Much of techno dance music is built around an electronic bass kick drum with compression. This is my attempt at creating that sound. The sound begins with a random noise generator which feeds into a resonant low pass filter, rezzy. I originally tried using moogvcf and found that I liked the sound of rezzy better. Resonance is set fairly high. The cut off frequency is swept rapidly from a high value of 1kHz (modified by the accent parameter) through a couple of intermediate levels and ending on a final frequency which is typically between 40 and 80 Hz. The amplitude is scaled by an exponential envelope and finally rms compression is applied to the signal. The compression reduces the initial amplitude and adds more punch to the sound.

kfenv  linseg    1000*iacc,  .02, 180, .04, 120, idur-.06, ilowf ; Freq Envelope
kaenv  expseg    .1, .001, 1, .02, 1, .04, .7, idur-.062, .7  ; Amp Envelope
kdclck linseg    0, .002, 1, idur-.042, 1, .04, 0             ; Declick
asig   rand      2                                            ; Random number

aflt   rezzy     asig, kfenv, irez*40         ; Filter

aout1  =         aflt*kaenv*3*iod/iacc        ; Scale the sound

krms   rms       aout1, 1000                  ; Limiter, get rms
klim   table3    krms*.5, 5, 1                ; Get limiting value
aout   =         aout1*klim*iamp*kdclck/sqrt(iod)*1.3   ; Scale again and ouput

A typical techno 4/4 score follows. The accent is used to modify the initial frequency. This can add more emphasis to the sound. The parameter Q is used to modify the resonance of the filter. Increasing overdrive will add more distortion to the kick drum. The LowFqc parameter determines the frequency the instrument ends on.

f5 0 1024 -8 1 256 1 256 .5 128 .3 128 .1 256 .1

;    Sta   Dur  Amp    Accent  Q    Overdrive  LowFqc
i11  0.0   .18  30000  1.2     1    2          60
i11  0.5   .    .      1       <    2.5        .
i11  1.0   .    .      .       <    2          80
i11  1.5   .2   .      .       1.5  3          40
f0 2
i11  0.0   .18  30000  1       1    2          60
i11  0.5   .    .      .       <    2.5        .
i11  1.0   .    .      .       <    2          .
i11  1.5   .    .      .       <    2          80
i11  1.75  .25  .      .       1.5  3          60

FM Tom-Toms

The last instrument in this article is an FM tom-tom. The basic archetecture is to use filtered noise to modulate the frequency of a sine oscillator. I use rezzy in the high pass mode to filter the noise before scaling it and sending it to the sine oscillator. The filtered noise is applied to the initial hit and decays rapidly. The overall pitch is swept by an envelope to simulate the increase in pitch of a real drum as the membrane tightens from an impact. Finally an exponential envelope is applied to the overall amplitude.

afqc1  linseg    1+iamp/30000, ihit*.5*idur, 1, .1, 1 ; Pitch bend
afqc   =         afqc1*afqc1                       ; Pitch bend squared
adclck linseg    0, .002, 1, idur-.004, 1, .002, 0 ; Declick envelope
aamp1  expseg    .01, .001, 1, idur-.001, .04      ; Tone envelope
aamp2  expseg    .01, .001, 1, idur*ihit-.001, .01 ; Noise envelope

arnd1  rand      ihamp                          ; Genrate noise
arnd   rezzy     arnd1, ifco, irez, 1           ; High pass mode
asig   oscil     1, afqc*ifqc*(1+arnd*aamp2), 1 ; Frequency modulation with noise

aout   =         asig*iamp*aamp1*adclck         ; Apply amp envelope and declick

A typical score is presented below. The parameter Q controls the resonance of the high pass filter. This can be used to control how noise like the frequency modulation is. Fqc is the cut off frequency of the high pass filter. HitDur controls the decay time for the noise as well as the pitch bend envelope. HitAmp controls the overall amplitude of the filtered noise.

;    Sta     Dur  Amp    Pitch  Q   Fqc   HitDur HitAmp  Pan
i12  0.125   .13  23000  6.09   30  1200  .18    70      .2
i12  0.250   .15  25000  6.09   20  300   .22    40      .5
i12  0.500   .15  25000  6.09   20  600   .22    70      .4
i12  0.750   .25  29000  7.02   30  900   .11    95      .8

More examples

Recently there have been several examples of drums and percussion instruments posted to the Csound mailing list. Varga István has submitted several excellent drums to the list well suited to techno and dance music. For an example try:

From the starting points I have provided it should be easy to create a wide variety of sounds. Creating percussion sounds is easy and fun with Csound. Just start experimenting and you should come up with many delightful instruments.