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Hans Mikelson
Why is it I always find it
hard to think of something to say in this space when I
can say whatever I want? I think I need to have some
restrictions. It reminds me of trying to write music.
Csound opens up an entire universe of sound but maybe it
sometimes gives us too much to choose from. Some of my
best pieces are probably those that are about 45 seconds
long and use only one or two well written instruments.
People seem to like "Crickets,"
"Granular," etc. Sometimes I start out trying
to write a piece fifteen minutes long. Two or three
minutes into the piece I get bored and go on to something
different. Restricting yourself to one or two instruments
and less than a minute of time may help to create a more
focused composition. So next time you are getting bogged
down on a long piece, think small. It may give you some
ideas for your longer piece.
Something new with this
issue is that has offered to host the
magazine on their web site. That's why you see the little
buttons on the selection menu. Everyone was having
problems accessing my old web site (including me!) so
this move should be a positive step for the magazine. It
also gives me more space so I can use more samples.