In Blue[1], selecting a 'PythonInstrument' from the Orchestra menu allows one to use Python[2] code to generate a Csound[3] instrument. Within the Blue Score, a 'PythonObject' also allows one to use Python to generate score text. This powerful combination makes it easy to create synthesizer instruments and musical scores with a few lines of code.
This article will use a Python library named ESMSblue that contains both instrument and score generation functions. ESMS stands for Extremely Simple Music System. This library can serve as a starting point for further exploration of this subject. The first section will describe some instruments created with this library, triggered with a generic score. In the second section some additional instruments are described, triggered by Python generated scores.
Some elementary knowledge of Blue, Csound and Python is required to use this article. I also recommend exploring the examples that come with Blue.
Download example project files for this article here.
I. Python-generated instruments
To use the examples it is required to install the python library into the $HOME/.blue/pythonLib
library folder. The two Blue projects, and, along with pipe.wav can be installed into your regular Blue projects folder.
When you load one of the Blue projects you will note that the ESMSblue library is imported in a peculiar way:
import ESMSblue reload(ESMSblue) from ESMSblue import *
Why are the first two lines required? It has to do with the way Python variables are initialized in Blue, as well as the design of the library. If these first two lines are omitted (or commented out), a Python instrument using this library would double its code each time it is used or tested with the 'Test' button.
The PythonInstrument object
To create a Python Instrument, click the '+' sign in the Orchestra tab and click on the 'PythonInstrument' selection, shown below in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Select PythonInstrument in Blue from the Orchestra Menu.
An untitled instrument appears with basic Python code in it.

Figure 2. Untitled instrument in Blue.
The comment says to use the variable instrument
to bring the instrument back into Blue. This must be a line or multiple lines of Csound code, separated by a CR LF
or only a LF
. To use a Python function to generate the Csound code, the function output should be one or more lines of Csound code that we then assign to the instrument
variable, like so:
instrument = somefunction(args,..)
We could also incrementally add to the variable in the manner shown below.
instrument = function1() instrument += function2()
In ESMSblue I have chosen an approach that uses pure Python to create instruments and variables. At the end of instrument generation, a call to one of the output functions from ESMSblue will add the accumulated orchestra lines to Blue's instrument
variable, as you will see later in this article.
Arguments, arguments...
Python function arguments are quite flexible, and to fully benefit from this fact, a little explanation is necessary. Keyword arguments[4] are used to pass default values to a function, when the arguments are omitted. By picking clever default values, coding effort can be reduced.
An example from ESMSblue is shown below.
def fltMoog(self, asig, kfco = 1000, kres = .2, out = 'amoog'):
Here the argument asig
is required (not default), while the other arguments kfco
, kres
and out
are keyword arguments. (Since this function is defined in a class, the self
argument can be ignored here.) The keyword arguments get their value when the function is called in the manner shown below.
filter1 = fltMoog(vco())
The required asig
argument of the fltMoog
function gets the return value from the function vco
, which is called with only default arguments. (Internally, calling the function vco()
will create a Csound orchestra line for the vco
opcode. The same goes for fltMoog
, when creating a moogvcf
orchestra line.) In this case the variable filter1
will get the default value for out
, being the string amoog
. If we want to further only change the value for kres
, we could call the function as below,
filter1 = fltMoog(vco(), kres=.5)
making use of the keyword argument kres
Notice that I call the function with fltMoog(vco())
, not with someclass.fltMoog(vco())
, even though this is a class function. If you look at the end of the code in, after the class definition, you will see that one instance is created of the ESMS class and all the instance functions are converted to local function names, shown below.
c = ESMS() # can't use c.vco(), because that would call the function, we want the address only vco = c.vco lfo = c.lfo osc = c.osc ...
This allows us to use the local function name after the line:
from ESMSblue import *
Inside a function
In the ESMS class, the function vco()
is defined as:
def vco(self, wave = 'saw', kamp ='p4', kcps='cpspch(p5)', kpw=0.5, out='avco'): # avco vco xamp, xcps, iwave, kpw iwave = vcowaves[wave] self.instr += 'isin ftgenonce 0, 0, 65536, 10, 1\n' self.instr += '%s vco %s, %s, %s, %s, isin\n' % (out, kamp, kcps, iwave, kpw) return out
As you can see, the class variable self.instr
(which is used as a kind of global variable) is first incremented with a line containing a ftgenonce
opcode that generates a sine wave. Note the new line character \n
at the end of the string. self.instr
is next appended with the actual vco
opcode line. That operation will yield the string:
avco vco p4, cpspch(p5), 1, 0.5, isin
The function vco()
then returns the string avco
(when left to default), to be passed as input to another function.
The final function that is called in an instrument will have to return the accumulated orchestra lines in self.instr
to Blue's instrument
variable. This is done in one of the output functions like panmix
, shown in the code below.
env1 = expon() fltVCO = fltMoog(vco(), mul(env1,3500),.3) instrument = panmix(fltVCO, .3)
Notice the mul
function here. This function multiplies its arguments, in this case the variable env1
(containing a string) and the value 3500. The function returns a string. There is also a function called add
that adds its arguments, as the name suggests.
Testing and debugging
Blue has several ways to test the validity of a Python script. Of course it is a good habit to test the Python functions first in a Python only environment. When Python script is entered in a Python Instrument, the 'Test' button can be used check the validity of the script. Normally pressing the 'Test' button should bring up a screen showing the generated Csound code for the instrument. Likewise, Blue's menu item 'Project/Generate CSD to Screen' should show the total generated .csd file, containing all orchestra and score lines.
If there are errors in a script, nothing will be displayed in these cases. But pressing the 'Test' button will show a red error marker in the lower right corner of Blue's screen. Clicking on this 'Unexpected Exception' marker and again in the dialog that appears will show the error in the code, as shown below in Figure 3:

Figure 3. Script errors shown in Blue.
Should you want to debug your Python code, it must be noted that a print statement output will not appear in the generated instrument. To see the print output, you have to use Blue's menu 'Window/Python Console'.
Fun with the functions
It is time to see all this in action, so we will load the project You can hear the 5 instruments together by pressing Blue's 'Play' button. You can also disable/enable them one by one with the [X] check mark in the orchestra manager or mute them in the score.
The first instrument, gbuzz is defined as:
knh1 = kline(1,25, out = 'knh1')
instrument = bluemix(declick(gbuzz(knh=knh1, kmul=kline())),vol=[.15,.6])
It is a gbuzz
opcode, multiplied with a declick envelope and then sent to the output function bluemix
. This bluemix
function has a vol
argument, which is a list containing the values .15 and .6. These are the left and right volumes of the instrument, giving it a pan position in the BlueMixer channel.
The kline
function generates a line between 1 and 25 and changes its default out
name to knh1
. Notice that this is then given to the variable with the same name. This is just good practice. Notice that another kline()
function is given to the kmul
argument of gbuzz
. This kline
has only default arguments, which are: istart=1
, iend=0
, idur='p3'
, and out='kline'
. This second kline
acts as a downward envelope.
Because we use the function kline
twice in this instrument, one of them must have a non-default output name. This is very important, otherwise the first kline
output variable will be overridden by the second one! This is true for all ESMSblue functions that you would want to use more than once inside an instrument, except for mul()
and add()
In instrument 3, 'osc('saw') lfo pan
' consists of a One Line Synth (OLS):
instrument = panmix(declick(osc('saw')), lfo(0.3,1.5))
The output function panmix
uses a lfo(0.3, 1.5)
to pan the signal.
The osc
functions first argument can accept the following strings: saw
, squ
, tri
, sin
, and cos
. These strings determine the wave form: sawtooth, square, triangle, sine and cosine.
With this in mind you are invited the explore the other instruments.
II. Python-generated score
So far we have only created Csound instruments with Python. These instruments were triggered by regular GenericScore objects in Blue.
The 'PythonObject' in the Score tab of Blue allows us to create score lines as well. In this case Blue's variable score
has to be used to return all score lines to Blue. Again, this should be a string with lines separated by \n
You are invited to load the project, located in the downloadable code for this article, and run it. This project also contains some new Python instruments, one of them being a very nice sampled bass sound derived form a cardboard pipe, named 'pipe.wav', also located within the downloadable code. What you will hear is a simple blues scheme, that seems appropriate to Blue (pun intended).
The real power of using Python becomes clear when generating score lines.
ESMSblue uses a simple representation for notes, melodies and chords.
Looking at the 'chords@1' score object code in the Blue Orchestra tab, it shows the output shown below.
chordDict = {'C7':('c','e','g','bb'),'F7':('c','eb','f','a')} chordpat = '1@1: C7 . F7 . | C7 , F7 , ' score += ParseChords(chordDict, chordpat, times=1)
Two chords, C7 and F7 are defined in a chord dictionary. A chord pattern is defined as a string, where 1@1:
means instrument 1, base length 1. The |
symbol is used to indicate the end of a measure or pattern, but they are ignored. In fact a pattern can also consist of a few notes. The dot .
after the chord means repeat this chord (with the base length defined earlier). A comma ,
means a rest with the duration of the base length. The function ParseChords
uses the chord dictionary, the chord pattern and a repeat parameter (times
) to generate the score lines. Note that the Time Behavior selection of the PythonObject in Blue is set to 'None'.
Score line 'bass@2' is a melody line, playing instrument 2, the 'pipe sample bass'. The code is as follows:
melpat = '2@.25: c , e , g , g f# f , a , c1 , a , |' score += ParseMelody(melpat, times=2, length=.25, transpose = -3, vol=.5)
Here the function ParseMelody()
parses the melody pattern.
Finally, the 'perc@3' object, also a melody line, uses a ramp()
function to add accents every fourth note of a percussive instrument 3. Please look at the comments in the object for the explanation.
As you can hear and see, with just a few lines of code interesting scores can be created!
Further exploration in the score domain
Of course this is a matter of personal taste, but I would be very interested in the exploring following score related subjects:
- Humanization of scores by adding randomness, both in position and loudness
- Using Markov chains to generate score / rhythmic patterns
- Arpeggiators
These subjects are very suitable to be tackled by Python in Blue!
I would like to thank Steven Yi, the creator of Blue, for his comments on this article.
[1] Steven Yi, "Blue." [Online]. Available: [Accessed January 26, 2014].
[2] Python Software Foundation, "Python." [Online]. Available: [Accessed January 26, 2014].
[3] Barry Vercoe, John ffitch et al., "Csound." [Online]. Available: [Accessed January 26, 2014].
[4] Python Software Foundation, "The Python Tutorial." [Online]. Available: [Accessed January 26, 2014].