Hans Mikelson
Machines, Atoms and Dinosaurs
For some reason I like the to listen to
the sound of machines. As I walk around past different
plants and factories I like to listen to the sounds they
are making. Different frequencies fade in and out as move
you past them. The sounds beat in and out of phase with
each other over several seconds. Sounds build to a
crescendo and suddenly drop off over and over again as
something reaches a limit or threshold and is released.
As I walk around a facility I notice the pulses of
different machines fading in and out interrupted by
different alarm conditions. How can I implement this in
Csound? What sound would electrons orbiting an atom make
if they oscillated at audio frequencies? Is it possible
to use the Schrodinger equation to model this? What would
a voice sound like if it were produced in the vocal tract
of a tyrannosaurus rex or a triceratops? Can models be
developed to find out? Ah, but I digress.
I have written a brief introduction to
filtering for the beginners section this time. In the
synthesis section I combine terrain mapping synthesis
with dynamical systems and for the processing section I
introduce a simple pitch shifter. Richard Bowers provides
a system for real-time composition, rasmus ekman has
offered some notes on Csound program flow and Jeff
Harrington's Espace des Cloches is a featured