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LinksHans Mikelson Featured Links http://www.tele.ntnu.no/akustikk/meetings/DAFx99/papers.html List of downloadable papers presented at DAFx99. Participate in download mania! http://windworld.com/emi/ Experimental Musical Instruments. I had not checked this web site for a couple of years and came across it once more recently. It does not have that much to do with Csound (or does it?) If you like building musical instruments out of garbage this is the site for you! Be sure to check out the articles on the history of sound effects (the other kind), circuit bending on a Casio SK-1 and the mechanical speech synthesizer. http://hplank.inetpc.com/hpkcomposer.html HPKComposer, a 3D Art composition tool for Csound. http://www.geocities.com/FlavioTordini/ A Csound editor. I'm still using Csounder but this one may be worth checking out. The Usual Links The Csound Front Page http://mitpress.mit.edu/e-books/csound/frontpage.html