Hans Mikelson
Csound Magazine is looking for contributors and
suggestions. Articles can be in html format with
pictures as either gif's or jpg's. Word format is also
acceptable. Sound samples can be included as either
.au, .aiff, .wav or mp3. The articles should be
informal although a few equations are usually helpful in
understanding things. Csound Magazine will be published
quarterly. Csound Magazine is hosted by
You must own the copyright for the material to be
published. You will retain your own copyright to
republish the article as you wish but you must grant
Csound Magazine permission to publish it as well.
The topics I will be considering are presented
below. I am open to other topics as well.
Please do not email files larger than one megabyte.
Contact me and I will arrange how to transfer the
files. Remember to include your name and email
address with the article.
This section has turned into a place for me to ramble.
Guest editorials would be welcomed for such heated
discussions as converting Csound to C++, creating a new
language Csound++ or other topics of controversial
This section will be targeted at the Csound novice and
will provide information on things like creating very
simple orchestras and scores and examining individual
opcodes. Please include the orchestra, score and block
diagrams for contributing articles.
This section will present novel or conventional
synthesis techniques. Articles should include block
diagrams, example orchestra & score, a description of
the theory involved. Discussion of a single instrument is
appropriate for this type of article.
Sound Processing & Sound Effects
This section will present novel or conventional sound
processing techniques. Articles should include block
diagrams, example orchestra & score, a description of
the theory involved. Discussion of a single instrument or
effect is appropriate for this type of instrument.
Real-Time Csound
This section will present an example of using Csound
in real time. Articles should include block diagrams,
example orchestra & score, a description of the
theory involved, any special command line options and
processor or operating system requirements.
Featured Composition
This section should provide a description of the
composition. Compositions should be around 1-5 minutes in
length. They may be presented as an orchestra and score
or as an MP3 file. Csound should be used for >50% of
the composition.
This section will take a detailed look at the C side
of Csound. Topics might include adding opcodes to Csound,
how reinit works or explore other Csound internals.
Cover Art
I would welcome any audio related art work.